So that’s it!! You have penned down the
novel you wanted to write since in high school. Now that you have achieved a
lot with your creative thrust, it’s time to get real. Someone is supposed to
read your novel. It should occupy a space in the books shelf of the readers. Your
book needs to be published. It should have a physical form as well. Have you
ever thought of this process before you actually started writing your novel?
Let me introduce you to green
ivy publishing review which can help you achieve your dreams. It’s a publishing
instrument providing authors with the most compressive process in today’s complex
and wide market. They help the author in editing, designing, and marketing their
manuscripts. They have a much-unbiased
approach towards reviewing your book. It does not differentiate between a
novice authors than an established one. A great team work leads to a better
product. Green ivy books review team works
well with author’s original work and gives a better final product. Thus the
product nurtured from them is a worldwide success.
Let’s have a look at reasons why the
publisher is so famous!
Reason No. 1: You can trust on the name.
It is one of the most reliable names
in the publishing industry. A lot of self-publishing companies claim to publish
your work, but do not stay upon their word. Many novice authors have lost their
money to self publishing-companies. These instances do not happen with green ivy
publishing review.
Reason No. 2: This Company has the exact
infrastructure and team to help you in the publishing process. If you end up
approaching a wrong publishing house it may be the end of your writing career. The
editors here are true professionals and can edit the work of best quality. The
process of editing is fun with this company.
Reason No. 3: The world is changing and so are the readers. People prefer
reading on a tablet or a mobile. This publishing house has exactly pointed out the transformation. It offers to publish an
eBook version of your work and the traditional paper book publishing as well. In
both the forms specifications are carried as per your wish till last details. The
printed book is created keeping in mind the international standard.
Reason No. 4: When writing a novel for
the first time you do not have much idea about the legal aspect. Green ivy books
review helps in registering the ISBN number and also safeguards the copyrights
of the work done. No other company offers such services to a novice writer at
such affordable rates.
Reason No. 5: Books being published are on
more than 39,000 thousand different websites worldwide. Even eBook are
available on iTunes as a paid download. This helps a new author to establish
himself in the market. green
ivy publishing review also provides complimentary copies of the novel
to authors. When the author distributes it amongst his kin, it helps in building
up goodwill for the publisher itself.
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